Welcome to My Website!

Hi! My name is Dominic Chang and I'm a freshman studying Computer Science at UPenn!
I have interests in software engineering, data analytics, and machine learning and AI.
I am proficient in Python and Java, and have experience with PyTorch, Scikit Learn, Matplotlib, Pandas, and NumPy. Besides these,
I have also had experience in Web Development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as Mobile App Development with React Native.
Outside of academics, I like to volunteer, watch shows, and play with my dog Bandit. My additional hobbies include swimming
competitively for UPenn Club Swim and playing the piano. I am also a Boy Scout and obtained my Eagle Scout rank in Oct. 2021.
My Recent Work:
- Consulting with Petco as Junior Analyst for Wharton Analytics Fellows
- Coming soon...
- Research with UPenn Radiology Department
- Coming soon...
- Musical Emotion Recognition Project with the UIUC Professor Han Zhao
- Computer Vision Project with Horizon Academic Research Program and a Caltech researcher
- Work With Aspiring Scholars Directed Research Program (ASDRP)
- Mobile App Project for Computer Engineers of the Next Generation (CENG)
- This Website (Built with GitHub Pages)